Hi Computer Medic Customers - Welcome to our Community

Hi Computer Medic Customers - Welcome to our Community

Hi friends of Computer Medic - Welcome to our Community! 

Here is a little introduction to what this is all about! You can post 4 types of content within the community. These are Ideas, Questions, Problems and Discussions. Each of these serves a particular purpose.

When you have something to discuss with us, you can post a discussion within your community. It's a great way to debate and collaborate and get to know us!

You can ask you specific questions about whatever you would like that can be answered by us.  

Problems are technical issues that you face. You can describe the exact problem(s) you have faced and we will provide our insights. We can convert the 'problem' into a support ticket and even keep you updated on its status if necessary.

Ideas from you can lead to new directions for Computer Medic. Share your ideas within the community. Other customers vote on the ideas and let there be real democracy within your community.

Happy posting friends!